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Service Description:
All Layers and Tables Has Versioned Data: false
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Supported Query Formats: JSON
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Service Item Id: 0166fb2f71c24707a2cd586792718895
Copyright Text:
Spatial Reference:
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Document Info:
Comments: Black-capped Vireo Habitat Fee Zone (1996): This dataset represents habitat fee zones associated with the endangered black-capped vireo in Western Travis County. This data was created prior to September 1996 using both known vireo observations and habitat characteristics associated with vireos. This data does not represent actual known locations of black-capped vireos currently found within the BCCP permit area; it represents habitat that black-capped vireos are likely to occupy given habitat characteristics and historical accounts of the vireo. The intent of the data was to provide a streamlined method by which private land owners and developers within the BCCP Permit area could mitigate for black-capped vireo habitat and be in compliance with the Endangered Species Act. Travis County Natural Resources uses this data to determine mitigation fees for BCCP Public Participation applications. This data has remained unchanged since 1996 when the BCCP 10 (a) (1) (B) "incidental take" permit was issued (PRT 788841). Karst Zones 1 & 2 Habitat Fee Zone (1996): This dataset represents habitat fee zones associated with endangered karst invertebrates in Western Travis County. This data was created prior to September 1996 using both known karst invertebrate observations and geologic characteristics associated with karst. This data does not represent actual cave locations found within the BCCP permit area; it represents geologic formations that are likely to contain caves with listed karst invertebrates. The intent of the data was to provide a streamlined method by which private land owners and developers within the BCCP Permit area could mitigate for the destruction of karst habitat and be in compliance with the Endangered Species Act. Travis County Natural Resources uses this data to determine mitigation fees for BCCP Public Participation applications. This data has remained unchanged since 1996 when the BCCP 10 (a) (1) (B) "incidental take" permit was issued (PRT 788841). Golden-Cheeked Warbler Habitat Fee Zone (1996): This dataset represents habitat fee zones associated with the endangered golden-cheeked warbler in Western Travis County. This data was created prior to September 1996 using both known warbler observations and habitat characteristics associated with warblers. This data does not represent actual known locations of golden-cheeked warblers currently found within the BCCP permit area; it represents habitat that warblers are likely to occupy given habitat characteristics and historical accounts of the warbler. The intent of the data was to provide a streamlined method by which private land owners and developers within the BCCP Permit area could mitigate for golden-cheeked warbler habitat and be in compliance with the Endangered Species Act. Travis County Natural Resources uses this data to determine mitigation fees for BCCP Public Participation applications. This data has remained unchanged since 1996 when the BCCP 10 (a) (1) (B) "incidental take" permit was issued (PRT 788841).
Subject: BCCP Habitat Layer
Keywords: BCP
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Supports ApplyEdits With Global Ids: false
Support True Curves : true
Only Allow TrueCurve Updates By TrueCurveClients : false
Supports Dynamic Layers: false
Child Resources:
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Query Contingent Values